Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Had a really good day today. J, R and I went driving through Gembrook State Forest (Google map it, it's huge). It's so beautiful, I can't wait to get all the disposables developed. I took a few pictures with J's phone that turned out pretty good. Taking that drive today made me really appreciate where I live, the views, the serenity, the birds, nature. It's a completely different atmosphere to what it was like living in the city. No buses, trucks, cars, exhausts, horns, loud music. I would love to go out there again for a day and just really absorb it all. Even go out there and do some yoga or meditate, it's so peaceful.

J and I were talking, his friends used to go up there a lot to camp, wouldn't mind doing that for New Years as long as everything is planned and we are prepared R should be safe to come with us as well. He'll be just over 7 months old (his growing up so fast).

It's time for sleep. My SD Card reader is failing to work so no photos today. I will do a big reblogging later on! With photos and all.

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